Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on medical conditions of the male and female urinary tract systems. The urologist is a medical professional that specializes in the urinary system. In ancient times, doctors used to examine the urine of a patient for clues about their illness. Today, there is an entire field of medicine that focuses on the health of the urinary system which includes the kidney, bladder, prostate, penis & testis. Below mentioned FAQs broadly describe the urology problems and mention the alarming signals of seeing the urologist
The kidneys, ureters, and bladder, are the key components of the urinary tract. The urinary tract is your body’s drainage system for removing urine. Urine is a combination of wastes and water. In order for urination to occur normally and without any complications, all body parts in the urinary tract need to work together.
A urologist is trained to diagnose and treat problems of the urinary tract. Urologists deal with men and women alike. With women, a urologist deals only with the problems of the urinary tract. With men, however, the urologist can diagnose and treat disorders of the penis and testicles also. They also look after male infertility and sexual disorders.
Near Azimabad Colony,Patna-800006
Doctor Colony, Hospital Road, Siwan, Bihar (India)
Dakkhin Mohalla Mirganj, Bihar (India)